Sunday, September 7, 2008

Palin was vetted in 2006 by the Dems....

I too am concerned about Palin and how she has energized the Repubs. It is their gal, right or wrong. I pray she is indicted on perjury charges.

I have a friend in Wasilla, teaches at Univ of Alaska. He has a blog called Progressive Alaska. Great blog. I recommend looking it up.

I found this on another blog. It is a document where the Dems vetted Sarah during the Gubernatorial race. There is some juicy stuff in it. All in all, she is not liked in Wasilla. I have not read it all.

Just a few facts:

1) she wanted to outright ban books at library,

2) she is a creationist and thinks the story of Adam and Eve should be taught in schools. (Pennsylvania’s supreme court already struck that down as unconstitutional.)

3) Her husband belonged to a Alaska Successionist movement.

4) Sarah ran Ted Stevens 527 group.

5) It is thought that Track, her oldest son, who is going into Armed Services, is going in rather than face jail for breaking in liquor store.

6) Sarah was pregnant when she got married to husband. ( Like Mom like daughter.)

7) Palin was issued a business license for “Rouge Cou, A Technical Services in 2005. Rouge Cou means Red Neck.

8) Palin’s Management style is to Bully and Demand Political Loyalty. Those people she did not fire, would quit.

9) She fired someone because he intimidated her.

10) Now the McCain camp is keeping her locked up and not granting interviews. She can dish it out but can’t take the heat.

Take our energy and use it to get Obama elected!

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